Home Child Care Educator


Provides and supports the delivery of core services that meet the early years needs of the Home Child Care Community and which include early learning activities, parent resources and training, information and outreach services.

Key Objectives

  • Provides and supports the delivery of core services of the HCC Program, whichinclude early learning activities, resources and training, and outreach servicesand strategies for the HCC program.
  • Performs duties in accordance with the mission statement and core values ofAFCS and the mandate of the HCC Program.

Duties will include but not be limited to:

Early Learning Activities
  • Plans and develops varied playgroup programs with playgroups leaders on andoff-site to meet child and adult needs; plans activities appropriate to the agesand developmental stages of the children which include art, dramatic play,science, music, language and sensory activities to enable parents and caregiversto provide similar developmental activities in the home and elsewhere;encourages and facilities participants to assume responsibility for theorganization and ongoing operation of the playgroups.
  • Implements program plans for playgroups; provides a welcoming, nurturingenvironment and activities which encourage interaction among children andadults across culture; role models appropriate interaction and behaviourmanagement techniques with children; supports adults in solving problems withunderstanding and referrals to resources and programs.
  • Develops and supports playgroups and other resources for HCC. Assists in the management and maintenance of the Toy and Game Library and the Parent Resource Library; identifies the need for the purchase of toys and games suitable for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged children, and children with special needs; identifies the need for the purchase of resource books; assists in the development and maintenance of the large equipment program.
  • Provide information and help parents and providers link to other early years programs and services in the community
  • Assists supporting and informing the caregivers through written resource materials, newsletters, and other means of communication.
Early Learning Activities
  • Coordinates and provides information and advice to parents/caregivers on such topics as parenting, developmental milestones, pre- and post-natal care.
  • Provides information and helps parents link to other early years programs and services in the community, such as child care services, health services, assessment services and recreation programs.
  • Assists in supporting and informing the parents/caregivers and the community through written resource materials, newsletters, and other means of communication; provides services to on-site clients; responds to telephone and e-mail requests
  • Maintains and develops Home Child Care information and resources
  • Identifies parents/caregivers training needs; develops training plans and arranges workshops meeting identified needs; plans and delivers the workshops when needed.
  • Participates in external committees where appropriate, participates in outreach activities appropriate to the programs; assists in the development of publicity material.
  • Assists in the development and implementation of outreach strategies for the program.
  • Coordinates, supports and supervises playgroup leaders
  • Maintains healthy and safe environment; removes or fixes unsafe equipment and toys; performs light housekeeping duties as required; sanitizes toys and equipment; secures facilities.
Other Duties
  • Participates in agency work and the broader community; participates in HCC staff meetings and committees; liaises with other AFCS programs.
  • Maintains current knowledge of services and resources; updates computer program knowledge; recommends program and policy updates
  • Performs other related duties as assigned by the HCC Director


  • Early Childhood Education Degree or Diploma from a recognized University or College, or other related post-secondary educational qualifications
  • Minimum of five years experience in the child care field, responsibilities should include group program planning
  • Experience and proven ability in working with adults
  • Extensive knowledge of early years child development
  • Strong organizational, interpersonal and communication skills
  • Working knowledge of related community resources in the City of Ottawa
  • Sensitivity and respect for individual and cultural differences
  • Demonstrated flexibility and ability to work effectively in a team
  • Strong group presentation and facilitation skills
  • Working knowledge of both official languages is required for some positions
  • Other languages appropriate to the community served would be an asset
  • Availability to work flexible hours
  • Knowledge of word processing, data management and other computer skills compatible with what is current in the software industry as well as what is being used at AFCS
  • Access to a car is essential
  • Knowledge of special needs would be an asset

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